Business Forum

Journeying with leaders and
connecting them to purpose.
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Business Forum


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Here’s a sobering question, “When business people reach out for business and leadership help, how many see the church community as their source of insight and support?" While most business people would probably not like to admit this out loud, one of the most significant obstacles we need to overcome is our own insecurity and a sense of being alone. How many leaders have thought, “I don’t feel that I know what I’m doing,” or “I feel so alone?”

Business Forum exists to journey with business people (current and future) through their business by connecting them to purpose.

The Business Forum creates a place where everyone from the top executive to a young professional finding their way in the working world can belong. However, it also connects people to a Kingdom purpose and equips them with tools and resources to help solve practical business challenges. We believe that you can learn a lot about an individual, team, or organisation by what they value. At Business Forum, we desire to honour leaders by seeing four values outworked in all that we do.

Icon for Restorative Presence featuring a yellow globe with a yellow plus symbol on a black circular background.
Restorative Presence:

Bringing order from chaos and beauty from brokenness for the sake of others.

Icon for Deep Connections featuring a yellow chain with two links on a black circular background.
Deep Connections:

Nurturing real relationships that encourage real change.

Icon for Wise Counsel featuring a pair of yellow speech bubbles with one in front of the other on a black circular background.
Wise Counsel:

Guiding leaders to greater value by solving problems.

Icon for Radical Generosity featuring a pair of yellow hands holding a yellow heart symbol on a black circular background.
Radical Generosity:

Serving with humility by sowing in squares and reaping in circles.

Icon for Restorative Presence featuring a yellow globe with a yellow plus symbol on a black circular background.
Restorative Presence:

Bringing order from chaos and beauty from brokenness for the sake of others.

Each person should hold a high view of the leadership role that the Lord has called them to, not only personal development and interpersonal influence but generational transformation – seeing God’s Kingdom established.

Icon for Deep Connections featuring a yellow chain with two links on a black circular background.
Deep Connections:

Nurturing real relationships that encourage real change.

While most people would probably not like to admit this out loud, one of the most significant obstacles we need to overcome is our own insecurity and a sense of being alone.

Icon for Wise Counsel featuring a pair of yellow speech bubbles with one in front of the other on a black circular background.
Wise Counsel:

Guiding leaders to greater value by solving problems.

We believe that deep connections is the starting point of business people finding a place of belonging; however, we believe that to see a generational transformation, leaders have to also produce greater value in each sphere of their leadership, including in their organisations.

Icon for Radical Generosity featuring a pair of yellow hands holding a yellow heart symbol on a black circular background.
Radical Generosity:

Serving with humility by sowing in squares and reaping in circles.

While the culture of the world teaches us to search for what we can take, the culture of the Kingdom teaches us to trust for what we can give. We believe that being radically generous is an act of spiritual worship that wars against the culture of the day in people’s hearts.

The worldview we operate with at Business Forum, in a simplistic form, is that there is a larger story at play than many of us realise. This story began with the creation of a beautiful and colourful world, which was disrupted by disastrous loss through humanity’s bad decisions. With the help of a man named Jesus, it is being restored every day to its original intent and purpose.

By setting an individual’s story in this much larger context, each of our lives and leadership finds meaning, purpose, and direction. A story lived with this backdrop has the potential to transform our communities, cities, and nations.

But how do we achieve this?

Business Forum seeks to journey with people as they discover the answer to this question.

To help us fulfil the purpose of Business Forum, we have teamed up with a USA-based coaching company called SummitTrek Coaching. In partnership with SummitTrek, we have been able to develop several compelling offerings for local churches to serve their business communities.

Two of the primary offerings that are available to local churches are Business Forum Events and New Generation Leaders (NGL) Journeys


Business Forum Events are a great starting point for local churches to begin serving their business communities. We recommend running the Business Forum Events as a 2.5 hour quarterly meeting (often in the form of a breakfast). Each event focuses on a standalone leadership or business topic and is packaged as easy to roll out Business Forum in-a-box.

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While the Business Forum Event is an easy starting point for a local church to begin serving their business community, the New Generation Leaders (NGL) Journey allows for a more in-depth business discipleship expression.The NGL is structured as a potential two-part journey, with the option of a Year 1 and Year 2 curriculum. Each year’s curriculum consists of an eight-month journey that introduces leaders to the fundamentals of good organisational leadership and equips leaders with the tools to order their private worlds - if leaders cannot order their private world, they will not find order in their corporate world.

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Business Forum Events are a great starting point for local churches to begin serving their business communities. We recommend running the Business Forum Events as a 2.5 hour quarterly meeting (often in the form of a breakfast). Each event focuses on a standalone leadership or business topic and is packaged as easy to roll out Business Forum in-a-box.

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Image of an abstract clear ceiling looking up to a blue sky in a building with a modern architectural style.


While the Business Forum Event is an easy starting point for a local church to begin serving their business community, the New Generation Leaders (NGL) Journey allows for a more in-depth business discipleship expression. The NGL is structured as a potential two-part journey, with the option of a Year 1 and Year 2 curriculum. Each year’s curriculum consists of an eight-month journey that introduces leaders to the fundamentals of good organisational leadership and equips leaders with the tools to order their private worlds - if leaders cannot order their private world, they will not find order in their corporate world.

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Image looking up to the blue sky through a forest of tall redwood trees.



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I have been able to better understand my personal purpose and calling. Summit Trek has helped me to put words to deep stirrings that I only dared to dream: living full out for God and His glory with excellence, being in the world but not of the world, permission to say no to what no one else is saying no to and to say yes to what's important. The meek will inherit the earth. I have had the courage to start a few new entrepreneurial projects and to quit a job that was never for me. A big thank you to the team and delegates for this journey!


Honestly, the value NGL provides is something I couldn’t have fathomed prior to starting. I went in not really expecting anything or knowing what would be covered, but the breakthrough, the knowledge given and the change it’s brought into my life is something I’m so grateful for. Anyone who is in the working world, whether it’s your first year of working or your 40th, will 100% find so much value in this course. DO IT!


I love finding new ways to improve the way I live out my life and NGL was exactly that. A practical informative course that covers great business concepts and places God at the heart of it. I have always believed in working whole heartedly and delivering the best that I can, this course allowed me to understand more about who I am and what it is that God is placing on my heart.It is easy to run away from dreams, the real challenge is to allow ourselves to dream. We get so caught up in the day to day of life and what is next on our list, not stopping to reflect and think about what dreams are in our hearts.


It's been a phenomenal journey of learning practical and actionable business knowledge & tools that is completely in line with the Word of God. I've met some awesome people in the NGL group as well and have learned from my peers and sincerely hope they've been able to derive some value from me as well.



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Have you enjoyed business forum? We'd love to hear your feedback!

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I have been able to better understand my personal purpose and calling. Summit Trek has helped me to put words to deep stirrings that I only dared to dream: living full out for God and His glory with excellence, being in the world but not of the world, permission to say no to what no one else is saying no to and to say yes to what's important. The meek will inherit the earth. I have had the courage to start a few new entrepreneurial projects and to quit a job that was never for me. A big thank you to the team and delegates for this journey!


Honestly, the value NGL provides is something I couldn’t have fathomed prior to starting. I went in not really expecting anything or knowing what would be covered, but the breakthrough, the knowledge given and the change it’s brought into my life is something I’m so grateful for. Anyone who is in the working world, whether it’s your first year of working or your 40th, will 100% find so much value in this course. DO IT!


I love finding new ways to improve the way I live out my life and NGL was exactly that. A practical informative course that covers great business concepts and places God at the heart of it. I have always believed in working whole heartedly and delivering the best that I can, this course allowed me to understand more about who I am and what it is that God is placing on my heart.It is easy to run away from dreams, the real challenge is to allow ourselves to dream. We get so caught up in the day to day of life and what is next on our list, not stopping to reflect and think about what dreams are in our hearts.


It's been a phenomenal journey of learning practical and actionable business knowledge & tools that is completely in line with the Word of God. I've met some awesome people in the NGL group as well and have learned from my peers and sincerely hope they've been able to derive some value from me as well.